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“McKay scholarships”

How the Pandemic Created a “Tsunami” of Choice 

scholarships is a nonprofit, private scholarship-granting organization that gives scholarships to lower income kiddos who would like to attend K-12 private schools but can’t afford to do so. We currently…

Where U.S. Governors Stand on School Choice – 2022

…stands on school choice—specifically private educational choice policies, such as education savings accounts (ESAs), school vouchers and tax-credit scholarships. Keep in mind that past support of or opposition to choice…

Who uses school choice programs?

…the tax-credit scholarships awarded nationwide. What is evident from the data from these states is that the scholarships serve students from families that, on average, earn significantly less than the…

Profiting from Educational Choice?

Profiting from School Choice?

This article was originally published on Education Next. Last year, more than 250,000 students in 17 states used tax-credit scholarships to attend schools their families chose. Under such policies, taxpayers…

Montana’s Universal Tax-Credit Scholarship Bill Simplified

Montana's universal tax-credit scholarship

…scholarship organizations (SSOs). Additionally, the formula utilized to determine scholarship amounts, unfortunately, is convoluted and handcuffs SSOs from granting equitably-funded scholarships to students. Finally, the reporting requirements for schools have…