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“laws and regulations for private schools”

What Teachers Say About School Choice vol. 3

Teachers and school choice

…organization sees things differently. The government has an obligation to fund education for the public, but that’s a different goal than “public education.” In fact, private schools, home schools, online…

Tipos de Escuela Choice

Tipos de Escuela Choice Las familias que pueden pagar a menudo eligen las escuelas públicas de su colonia mudándose a una residencia dentro del distrito asignado a la escuela que…

How to Become a Teacher: Public vs. Private

how to become a teacher

schools may decide that an individual’s previous education and/or employment qualifications can be determined through other avenues. This allows private schools to consider a range of factors that public schools

New Hampshire

(Last Updated November 17, 2015) Private Schools Accreditation, Registration, Licensing, and Approval Accreditation: optional Schools accredited by New England Association of Schools and Colleges or an accrediting body approved by…

Public Aid for Private Schools Already Happens

…GI Bill—a school voucher—to attend four-year private non-profit colleges and universities. And whatever you feel about for-profit schools, even more military undergrads (17%) and grad students (23%) used the program…

School Choice and Accountability

private schools part of the state’s accountability system support the state providing additional resources for private schools that score too low on the state’s standardized tests? Something makes me think…

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, January 2019

1-2019 State Brief_FEATURE

…voucher, which would allow, initially, low-income children or children with disabilities in consistently low-performing schools scholarships to attend non-residentially assigned public schools or private schools. The bill envisions expanding the…