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“laws and regulations for private schools”

Transcending Partisan Views on School Choice

…revenue. Rather, I get the impression public education means everyone can contribute to a worthy public good—district schools, charter schools, private schools, homeschoolers, and so on. Everyone can contribute to…

Friday Freakout: What to Do with Struggling Schools

What to do with struggling schools

…workers, or any number of other things—struggling schools should have the freedom to customize solutions without forcing all other public schools to adopt identical regulations. And, remember, there are countless…

Cool Schools: Season Four Roundup

Schools with Christian Dallavis We kick off season four of our Cool Schools series with Christian Dallavis, the assistant superintendent for Partnership Schools, that started in New York and have…


(Last Updated February 15, 2017) Private Schools Accreditation, Registration, Licensing, and Approval Accreditation: optional The Indiana State Board of Education has established a performance-based accreditation system available to nonpublic schools….