Delaware Fast Facts

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  • 39%

    Delaware residents think K–12 education in Delaware is headed in the right direction.

Delaware K–12 Education Spending

$2.5 Billion

Total Delaware Public Education Revenue

U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Common Core of Data (CCD)

Data last updated 6/2022.

Delaware Student Transportation
  • $1,152

    Avg. District Busing Expenditure Per Pupil

  • 8.6%

    Total Spending Per Pupil

U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Common Core of Data (CCD)

Data last updated 6/2022.


Delaware does not require districts to provide transportation for inter-district transfer students.

Charter School

The charter school may request to have the school district where the charter school is located transport students residing in that district, at fair cost, to and from the charter school on the same basis offered to other students or receive a portion of state transportation funding.

Private School

Private school students are entitled to transportation within the boundaries of their public school district.

State Student Transportation Statutes

Inter-District: Del. Code Ann. tit. 14, § 409

Charter Schools: 14 Del.C. § 508

Private Schools: 14 Del.C. § 2905

Transporting School Choice Students, 2020