Utah Fast Facts

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  • 40%

    Utah residents think K–12 education in Utah is headed in the right direction.

Utah K–12 Education Spending

$6.8 Billion

Total Utah Public Education Revenue

U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Common Core of Data (CCD)

Data last updated 6/2022.

Utah Student Transportation
  • $434

    Avg. District Busing Expenditure Per Pupil

  • 4.5%

    Total Spending Per Pupil

U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Common Core of Data (CCD)

Data last updated 6/2022.


The receiving district must provide transportation on an approved route within the district if space is available. Otherwise, parents are responsible for transportation.

Charter School

Utah does not provide support nor does it require districts to pay for the transportation of charter school students.

Private School

Utah does not provide support nor does it require districts to pay for the transportation of private school students.

State Student Transportation Statutes

Inter-District: Utah Code Ann. § 53G-6-406 and Utah Admin. Code r. R277-437

Charter Schools: Utah Code Ann. § 53F-2-702

Private Schools: Utah Code Titles 53e-g

Transporting School Choice Students, 2020