In The States

Texas Bill Aims to Create State’s First Two School Choice Programs

Texas School Choice Programs

UPDATE March 31, 2017 Before the Texas Senate passed SB 3, formerly a universal education savings account (ESA) bill, on March 30, the bill was amended in seven key ways. 1.  The bill now limits ESA eligibility only to students who have attended a Texas public school for one year prior to applying. 2.  Legislators […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, January 2017

January 2017 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Arizona SB 1431, a bill that would expand the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts to near-universal eligibility, was introduced to the Arizona legislature last month. The bill was referred to both the Senate Education Committee and the Rules Committee. Arkansas HB 1222, a bill that would create a tax credit-funded education savings account program, […]

The 2017 EdChoice Yearbook Superlatives

superlatives feature image

The EdChoice team has put in its votes for this year’s educational choice yearbook superlatives, and these are our winners. Enjoy.   Most Empowering Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program Our team weighed purchasing power, funding stream stability and the ability of parents to use their funds flexibly to determine the educational choice program that empowers the […]

Why Milwaukee’s Voucher Program Isn’t the Litmus Test for School Choice Everywhere (Despite Its Positive Results)

School choice in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, Wisconsin has a 25-year-old school voucher program (MPCP) restricted to low-income students, district-run chartered public schools and some privately funded vouchers. Because the MPCP is the oldest publicly funded U.S. voucher program, its results have attracted a lot of attention.  Sadly, much of what has been said and written, from school choice expansion proponents […]

Milwaukee school vouchers to drive more than $499 million in socioeconomic benefits

Milwaukee School Vouchers on the Map

School choice advocates and researchers know choice programs lead to better academic achievement. But far less is known about the downstream financial benefits of the nation’s first modern school voucher program: the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP). Earlier this month, in concert with the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, we released a study that […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States December 2016

January 2017 State Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Georgia Leslie Hiner worked with outside counsel and, on December 15, 2016, filed an amicus brief with the Georgia Supreme Court in support of the state’s tax-credit scholarship program and the right of Georgia parents to choose the best possible education for their children. EdChoice argues that significant empirical evidence supports educational […]

Exploring Arizona’s Private Schools After Nearly Two Decades of Educational Choice

Exploring Arizona's Private Education Sector

The Grand Canyon State is a pioneer when it comes to educational choice. Arizona has been home to the nation’s first universal school choice program for nigh on two decades—the Original Individual Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This tax-credit scholarship program is open to all K–12 students and even some prekindergarteners. And in 2011, Arizona […]