In The States

Has School Choice Become a Purple America Issue?

Has School Choice Become a Purple America Issue?

Gallup, one of the most trusted household names in national polling, recently asked Americans whether they agreed, disagreed or didn’t know enough to have an opinion about 15 of President Trump’s proposals or actions. School choice was one of the issues, and on the surface, the results weren’t all that surprising: 59 percent of Americans […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, March 2017

School Choice in the States, March 2017

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Arkansas The Arkansas House Education Committee passed SB 746, a scaled-down version of HB 1222 which previously failed to pass. SB 746 failed to pass the Arkansas House on March 31. Both bills would have created a tax credit-funded education savings account program. Learn more about both of these bills here. Florida HB 15, […]

What We Can Do About School Choice’s Supply-Side Problem

School Choice’s Supply-Side Problem

If you build it, they will come. A memorable line, a memorable scene. But what happens if you know they’ll come, and you just can’t get it built in a timely fashion? In one of our recent reports, The Private School Landscape, we tested the theory that educational choice programs that increase access to private […]

Expanding Educational Opportunity in the Granite State

Expanding Educational Opportunity in the Granite State

Note: This post originally appeared on the School Choice New Hampshire blog. New Hampshire lawmakers are currently considering legislation to create an education savings account (ESA) program. ESAs allow parents to customize their child’s education using a portion of the funds that the state would have spent on their child at his or her assigned […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States, February 2017

February School Choice Brief

LEGISLATION AND LITIGATION Alabama The Alabama Senate passed SB 123, a bill sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh that would expand the tax credits available through the state’s Education Scholarship Program. The bill is currently before the House Ways and Means Education Committee. Arizona SB 1431, a bill that would expand the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts to near-universal eligibility, […]

Ohio Education Savings Account Bill Expands Choice, Consolidates Programs

Ohio ESA

Today, the Opportunity Scholarship Program (SB 85) was introduced in the Ohio Senate. The bill, if passed as introduced, would create the Midwest’s first education savings account (ESA) program. Ohio currently has more voucher programs than any other state, and this bill would consolidate three of them: the Cleveland Scholarship Program—the nation’s second voucher program, […]

Study Finds Proposed Arkansas Universal ESA Likely to Save Money

Arkansas Universal ESA

Legislators in Arkansas proposed a bill (HB 1222) to increase educational choice for families through an education savings account (ESA) program available to every child across the state.  And though the previously conducted empirical studies on the financial effects of private school choice programs have found overall benefits to the state, taxpayers and individual districts, […]

Georgia Bill Could Make Educational Choice Available to All

Georgia state flag

Friday, Georgia’s Senate Education and Youth Committee will hear the Individual Student Education Act. The bill, if passed as currently worded, would create a completely universal education savings account (ESA) program. School choice is heating up faster than Hotlanta on a sunny day in July during a dry spell! Georgia would be expanding its educational […]