Research & Data

America’s School Choice Programs Ranked By Eligibility, 2016 Edition

School Choice Eligibility Rankings

At the Friedman Foundation, our goal for any school choice program is universal eligibility. We believe that all parents—regardless of ZIP Code, income, or any other factors—should have access to flexible educational options. You can find specific program eligibility rates in this year’s ABCs of School Choice, or check out this comprehensive list for programs […]

Hoosier Views on Indiana’s School Vouchers and More Survey Snapshots

Education has been at the forefront for Indiana citizens and lawmakers ever since the second term of former Gov. Mitch Daniels’ administration. Indiana legislators have given various education issues a turn on the front burner over the years—funding levels, funding formula reform, test-based accountability, school choice, third grade reading, teacher evaluation, and more. But what […]

What You Need to Know About “The ABCs of School Choice” 2016 Edition

The ABCs of School Choice Cover Image

Since the launch of the nation’s first modern school choice program in 1990, nationwide participation in school choice has grown leaps and bounds—by 115,301 percent! Today, there are 59 school choice programs in 28 states and Washington, D.C., each with its own design, history, and statistics. To help make differentiating and learning from individual programs […]

Seven Survey Snapshots of Colorado’s K–12 Education Landscape

In spring of this year, the Colorado Supreme Court issued its opinion on the Douglas County school voucher program. Since then, proponents of the program have made headway in their journey to appeal  the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. But what do voters think about Colorado’s K–12 education issues in their […]

What Are Private School Management Organizations?

Private School Management Organizations

My colleagues and I came across private school management organizations (PSMOs) in the course of our research for a Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice report, “The Chartered Course,” in 2013. Back then, we sought to understand what private school choice could learn from the charter school sector. But what we discovered is that private schools […]

Friedman Foundation Earns AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative Membership

AAPOR Transparency Initiative

The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice team is proud to announce that our foundation became a charter member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative (TI) on September 17, 2015. The purpose of the TI is to encourage voluntary participation for organizations and survey researchers to regularly disclose their methods for […]

Top Findings from the “Latino Perspectives” Survey

About one in four children in the U.S. today is Hispanic, and Latino children are one of the fastest growing demographics in the country, according to recent reports. As part of our 2015 Schooling in America Survey, we oversampled Latinos in an effort to better understand where this important community stands on education policies. How […]

New Research on School Segregation Shows Startling Trends

How school choice could improve school segregation

Six decades after the landmark decision of Brown v. Board of Education, many students still attend schools that are segregated by race or class. And this isn’t just a problem because greater integration is, in and of itself, a worthwhile goal for society. It’s a problem because research shows that African-American students, especially males, concentrated […]

Exploring Colorado’s Private Education Sector: Top Three Findings

Surveying Colorado's Private Schools

Hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, camping, rock climbing, mountain biking, fishing, rafting, snowboarding, spelunking—Colorado is at the top when it comes to choices for outdoor adventures. In the last few years, it has been a pioneer of recreational choices. What many people might not know, though, is that Colorado is also a pioneer when it comes to […]