
Friedman Foundation Celebrates Founder with New, Innovative Website

Friedman Legacy Day

Gen Con is in full swing in Indianapolis, where the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice is headquartered. It’s a time when thousands of gamers come to town to witness all the new innovations in fantasy gaming. It also happens to be Friedman Legacy Day, a time when thousands of Americans and people from around the […]

Friday Freakout: Does School Choice Increase Inequality?

Does School Choice Increase Inequality?

When Nevada enacted the nation’s first nearly universal education savings accounts (ESAs), education reformers celebrated. ESAs empower families to tailor their children’s education to meet their individual learning needs and have the potential to unleash a wave of innovation. Others, however, have been less enthusiastic. Perhaps the most common concern is the one raised recently […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States June 2015

school choice in the states

National The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice released its annual national survey of Americans on K–12 education issues including school choice, Common Core State Standards, standardized testing, and more. To read a helpful slide show of key findings and to access the full 2015 Schooling in America Survey report, visit our research page. The Friedman […]

Breaking Down the “2015 Schooling in America Survey”

With the close of another school year and a blossoming of expansive school choice programs this year comes curiosity about the progress of K–12 education in the United States. Is it advancing? Is it going well? How might it improve? Our recently released 2015 Schooling in America Survey aims to tap public opinion to answer those […]

Friday Freakout: Is School Choice Just Another Tool for Central Planners?

School choice and central planners

By now, just about everyone has heard about Nevada. The state, which didn’t have any private school choice programs, passed tax-credit scholarship and education savings account (ESA) laws in a single legislative session. In a news article I wrote for Watchdog.org, I noted that the ESA program wouldn’t cost taxpayers any more than they’re paying […]

Improving America’s Classrooms Through School Choice Part II

Improving America's classrooms

In a Part I of this series, I shared my wife’s and my history with K–12 public schooling before listing seven reasons why problematic public school classroom conditions have survived decades of education reform efforts. I discussed only the first three: Weak, often poorly targeted, incentives for educator effectiveness and parental involvement Classroom composition policies […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States May 2015

school choice in the states

Delaware – Doran Moreland @Dmoreland9 An education savings account (ESA) bill for students with special needs will soon be introduced in Delaware. The bill is expected to have bipartisan support. Delaware’s legislative session ends June 30. Nevada – Michael Chartier @mchart1 A universal ESA bill, SB 302, was passed by the legislature at the end […]

Breaking Down “Earning Full Credit”

Indiana is a national leader in school choice. Hoosier policymakers deserve credit for adopting innovative policies that help families enroll their children in the schools that work best for them. In addition to the nearly 30,000 students who received school vouchers last year, more than 11,000 students used tax-credit scholarships to attend schools of choice, […]