
Is Swedish School Choice Disastrous – or Is the Reading of the Evidence?

What's the truth about Swedish school choice?

Editor’s note: Some of the author’s sources link to studies that appear in Swedish. Debate over “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and which film is better—America’s version or Sweden’s—comes down to one’s opinion. The same can’t be said for disagreements over Swedish school choice. Upon investigating the available research—just as Stieg Larsson’s protagonist would—the conclusion […]

Enter the First-Annual Milton Friedman Legacy Sweepstakes

“Our goal is to have a system in which every family in the U.S. will be able to choose for itself the school to which its children go. We are far from that ultimate result. If we had that—a system of free choice—we would also have a system of competition, innovation, which would change the […]

Friday Freakout: Is Education a Consumer Good?

Is education a consumer good?

In a response to this tweet last week, the Friedman Foundation questioned what makes education a public good and examined how school choice affects it in those terms. I have a different perspective, so stick with me. I’ve been giving a talk about disruptive technology and what it means as we work to improve educational […]

Authorizing: A Stop Along “The Chartered Course”?

Is authorizing important for private schools?

“Authorizer” is a fairly new term in the American lexicon. Charter school representatives know it well, as do most education reform advocates. But, for the general public, the concept could use some explaining—and, among private school leaders, some consideration. What is an authorizer? An authorizer is the overseer of public charter schools. It is the […]

Private Schools Must Explore Unchartered Territory

Private Schools in Unchartered Territory

The Chartered Course by Andy Smarick continues an important discussion focused on growing and developing the private school market in America. It is a welcome shift from the “save our schools” mentality to one of growth and new ideas. It is as if there is finally a “re-imaging”’ of the private school market beginning in […]

Breaking Down “The Chartered Course”

Breaking down The Chartered Course

Is there a “tidal wave” coming for private school choice, as some have suggested? No doubt since the Wall Street Journal declared 2011 “The Year of School Choice,” policymakers’ actions creating and expanding such programs are rising—as is interest among parents. But are private education providers prepared to navigate this new environment? In The Chartered […]

Milton Friedman on Freedom

Milton Friedman on freedom

Happy Fourth of July! In celebration of our country’s independence, we first and foremost recognize the men and women of America’s armed forces who sacrifice so much for our freedom. To them and their families, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice gives our utmost thanks. As promoters of freedom—particularly in education—we wanted to provide some […]

Bill Gates and Localizing Common Core and Standardized Testing

Common Core and Standardized Testing

“Innovations that are guided by smallholder farmers, adapted to local circumstances, and sustainable for the economy and environment will be necessary to ensure food security in the future.” – Bill Gates The Andrew Carnegie of our time—and as a native of Pittsburgh, I say that respectfully—may want to consider how that same approach can augment […]

BRIEF: School Choice in the States June 2014

school choice in the states

Alabama – Stephanie Linn @StephanieJLinn A trial court ruled that the school choice programs contained within the Alabama Accountability Act may continue while the state Supreme Court reviews a ruling striking down the Act. The office of the Attorney General and attorneys from the Institute for Justice filed a motion requesting a stay after Judge Gene […]

School Choice: It’s Easy as 1, 2, 3, but Not for IDOE

School Choice in Indiana

“I tell yah Dave, I’ve been over this stuff a bunch of times; it just doesn’t add up. Who does these books? I mean if I ran my business this way I’d be out of business.” That line from the movie “Dave” perhaps best sums up my review of the Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE) […]